This is an independent study about Print Installation at the Savannah College of Art and Design consisting of Sarah, Jill, Peach, Malia, and our wonderful guide Deb.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Critique Me

I haven't made a print since Fall Quarter, and I think the break may have done me some good. These are in-progress, but I definitely need to step back for a day or so and think about them. I'm interested in hearing what you all have to say. I want to have these ready for Alexander Ink.


  1. It is difficult to say from thies images. But the idea is compelling. I am wondering about your use of color, the color seems to be similar to your old monoprints. Does this color evoke the mood you are looking for? From these images, it looks like you may want to increase the contrast by using a more dramatic range of value. They seem a bit candy colored. Is this the effect you are going for?

    Are these hanging in The Matrix? I may pop in to see them today.

  2. Also, it was nice to be able to zoom in on them...there is great depth in them. They are starting to be beautiful and complex!

  3. Yea the images aren't fantastic or anything, you can make them bigger. The colors are a bit more saturated compared to my monoprints, and I reversed the process I went from dark to lighter on some of them. They are candy colored in the recognition that plastic is mostly bright ridiculous colors, they are not in the matrix, they are on the drying racks bottom shelves, but I might go hang them up today, when are you going in I'd like to chat with you about them.
