This is an independent study about Print Installation at the Savannah College of Art and Design consisting of Sarah, Jill, Peach, Malia, and our wonderful guide Deb.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Bowls are Multiplyin'

Here are some shots of the bowls I have so far, I'm interested in how they are looking layered. I think I will have a better idea of how it will turn out when I get a lot more made. I realized today that they are very Wabi Sabi, their simplistic, primitive, impermanent forms. I'm going to read the book again, and for anyone who doesn't know about the Wabi Sabi, the wikipedia entry pretty much sums it up.

1 comment:

  1. Keep on multiplyn! Your gonna ned a bunch! they do look good nestled together. Bringing back the old wabi-sabi eh!
